• Time for School! Sarah Jessica Parker Walk with the Twins daughters

    Sarah Jessica Parker hit the streets of NYC to walk her twin daughters Marion and Tabitha to school, and the Sex in the City star made sure her little ones were warm in adorable matching puffy ski suits. The petite actress also bundled up and threw on a beanie, so she must have been dressing for comfort, not style!
    Jessica Parker Walks With  daughters
    The day before, the 47-year-old actress took a stroll with the little ones while her hubby Matthew Broderick made the commute with their son James.

    Earlier in the week, Sarah Jessica Parker braved the snow to take the girls to the dentist as Matthew and James were spotted across town.

    Time for School! Sarah Jessica Parker Walk with the Twins daughtersThe ones where they can’t find anything – not a matching pair of socks, not their hairbrush, and certainly not the math assignment that’s due second period?

    The ones where you feel like a referee, alternately breaking up sibling squabbles and hollering at the team to get going, fer pete’s sake, it’s only 10 minutes till the bell rings?

    The ones where they and you rush out the door looking sloppy and disheveled, but you don’t really care at this point?
    Well, it looks like this wasn’t one of those mornings for Sarah Jessica Parker.

    he and her twin daughters, Marion and Tabitha, looked both put-together and in great spirits as they walked through their Manhattan neighborhood.

    The girls, as usual, were as cute as could be in their coordinated outfits. And if they made any fuss about having their hair brushed, neatly parted and braided, you’d never know it.
    Sarah Jessica Parker dressed appropriately for the brief warm January weather in rolled jeans, a long black jacket and sneakers without socks.

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