• How to make Glitter Heel Fix

    I was debating over a couple of Re-Styles this week, but because of a few parties, the glitter heels won out in the end.
    Welcome everyone to my Project Re-Style Monday. I have only 5 more Re-Styles left to reach the the one year mark. I can hardly believe that a whole year has passed. This week I am saving a pair of shoes from the garbage. Glitter heels have been all over the internet, from I Spy DIY's Glitter heels to A Pair and a Spare's Glitter boots. I am going to use what I have learned to save a pair of my beloved heels from the trash bin. One night while I was having a wonderful time, my poor heels went through a grate, shredded beyond repair. Ruined ~so I thought~ But leave it to a little glue and glitter to save the day. Not only did this hide my poor messed up heels, it gave my shoes just enough sparkle for that holiday party. So Girls, if you have a pair of shoes you love, but feel like you can't wear them because the heel looks like a cheese grater, grab your glue and glitter and get to work.

    Tutorial Things you need.
    1. Glitter ~I used Martha Stewart, fine glitter in Smoky Quartz ~
    2. Glue ~ Mod Podge~
    3. Paint brush
    4. Paper plate.

    Mix your glue with you glitter
    make a thick paste
    Place the mixture on your heel. let dry, Repeat
       Now you and your shoes can hit the town, unashamed of their grated past.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful night. Thanks for joining me, Come back next week to see what I do for #48. Lots of <3,

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