• Olympic legacy Farah wins 10,000m warn Tania and Mo Farah

    Olympic legacy Farah wins 10,000m warn Tania and Mo Farah

    Olympic legacy Farah wins 10,000m warn Tania and Mo Farah

    It capped the most extraordinary 45 minutes British athletics will surely ever witness.
    These London Games have seen some superlative moments but surely nothing will cap what occurred in the Olympic Stadium as Mo Farah struck home for gold with 450 metres to go.
    All evening the Olympic Stadium had yelled itself hoarse but now, at the last, the volume increased again, the crowd on their feet, urging Farah home.

    Truth be told, there were some nervous moments as those those long legs strode out confidently, eating up the ground in a 53.48sec last lap.

    But in reality Farah was always in control, never panicking on his way to 10,000m victory.
    There he was, the man born in Somalia before moving to Hounslow when he was eight years old and of thoroughly British character, leading out a string of Africans.
    They included double world record holder Kenenisa Bekele, as well as his American training partner Galen Rupp, but it was Farah who dominated the race.

    They tried to reel him in, Bekele's younger brother, Tariku, producing the best effort.
    Kenensia was tracking too, but unable to close the gap. Round the back came Rupp, looking like he might run away from everyone.
    Yet no-one prevailed and Farah crossed the line first in 26min 46.57sec.

    It was an epic run but coming on the back of gold medals for Greg Rutherford and Jessica Ennis it was British athletics finest-ever moment delivered in truly superlative style.
    'I can't believe it,' said Farah. 'I've never experienced something like this. It doesn't come round often to have this on your door step and the amount of people supporting me, shouting out your name - it's never going to get better. This is the best moment of my life.'
    Olympic legacy Farah wins 10,000m warn Tania and Mo Farah
    'It's something I have worked so hard for - 120 miles week in week out. What you put in to it is what you get out. 'I want to thank everyone who has supported me from my childhood and until now. Without all them people this wouldn't have happened. I have got to enjoy this moment.'

    Olympic legacy Farah wins 10,000m warn Tania and Mo Farah

    Mo Farah celebrates winning the men's 10,000m with his wife Tania. Photograph: Back Page Images / Rex Features
    The wife of Mo Farah, the double Olympic gold medallist, today fuels criticism of the government over the Games legacy, saying she and her husband want to see increases rather than reductions in school sport budgets.

    Tania Farah, who is helping set up the Mo Farah Foundation, which provides aid to Somalia and is planning to establish an orphanage and sports academy in the country, describes cutbacks six months on from the Games as a "huge shame" and "counterproductive".

    She makes clear that her husband, who stormed to victory in the 5,000m and 10,000m finals, shares her views and wants more done for sport in state schools, particularly primaries.

    Tania Farah, speaking exclusively to the Observer, said: "Having both come from a school where PE at grassroots level was widely accessible, taught and encouraged, Mo and I are acutely aware of the impact such a positive system can have on the younger generation. It was this particular system along with the 'eye for talent' and useful knowledge from teachers such as Alan Watkinson [Mo Farah's former coach] that opened up the path of success for Mo.

    "It is therefore a huge shame that six months on from the Olympics, which inspired the next generation of potential Olympic champions, there are to be budget cuts in primary PE and school sports partnerships. We need to carry out the legacy, however reducing funding in this area is counter-productive.

    "Not only should sport for youngsters be encouraged and practised on a regular basis for health reasons, but it is also at these early stages that gifted youngsters are 'discovered' and nurtured, therefore increasing the chances of success – Mo being a leading example of this. As parents ourselves, we'd like to see a boost in the financial support school sports receive."

    The intervention will put further pressure on ministers who have reduced to almost nothing funding for the previous system of School Sport Partnerships.

    Under the partnerships, secondary schools were able to release specialist PE teachers to teach in primary schools, originally for two and latterly one day a week. Many primaries have not got trained instructors. But the funding to release teachers ends this summer, consigning the project to history. Last weekend the Observer highlighted concerns among headteachers and the public about the failure to realise the promise of an Olympic legacy in schools six months on from the Games.

    Watkinson, who coached Farah as a youngster, also rejoins the fray, accusing ministers of a "dereliction of duty" over school sport. He said primary school teachers still received "woefully inadequate support and training and Ofsted, at the behest of the Department for Education, continues to turn a blind eye".

    Watkinson, who taught the double gold medallist at Feltham Community College in Hounslow, Middlesex, is still in close touch with the Farahs. He now runs a sports partnership in west London, catering for more than 70 schools.

    "I doubt I could ever feel a greater sense of ecstatic emotion than I did last summer," Watkinson said. "Mo is very grateful for the opportunities he was afforded at school and he and his family constantly engage with schools as part of the charitable work of the Mo Farah Foundation. They share the frustration of a large number of people that six months on there is no tangible commitment to a school sporting legacy."

    He added: "This was a new dawn for sport in this country. Suddenly everybody got the power of sport. Together we were all going to inspire a generation and provide a legacy for the children of the world. Unfortunately, nobody mentioned this to [education secretary] Michael Gove, who steadfastly stands in the way of meaningful progress in delivering high quality physical education and school sport across this country."

    The government says it is planning to announce more measures to boost sport in schools soon. Last weekend the Observer highlighted the concerns of headteachers about the effects of cutbacks in school sport since this government came to office. Today more details are provided of a wide-ranging Opinium poll – first highlighted last week and now published in full by Opinium online. Its most striking finding is the number of people who believe the coalition has either not increased, or has cut support, for sport since coming to office.

    Despite ministerial promises, only 2% said support had increased "a great deal" while 8% said that it had "increased a little" since the coalition came to office in 2010 with preparations for the Games in full swing. A total of 26% believed it had decreased either a lot or a little while 29% said they thought the government had not made any difference in more than two and half years in power.

    Since the Olympics only 3% said support had "increased a great deal" while 14% said it had "increased a little". By far the largest number, 42%, said there had been no change since the Olympics despite legacy promises, while 7% said it had "decreased a little" and 6% said it had "decreased a great deal".

    Among parents of children under 18, the picture was more positive, with 23% believing support had increased since the Olympics and 11% thinking it had reduced. However, these were outweighed by the 48% who thought there had been no change of the kind that Mo Farah hoped for.

    Unsurprisingly a large majority did not believe sport should be prioritised over other areas of education and a majority did not agree that sport should be compulsory in the national curriculum.

    The Mo Farah Foundation is planning a UK initiative encouraging children into sport and supporting underprivileged youngsters who have a talent. The initiative will include identifying specific youngsters and connecting them with a sports club/coach, while mentoring, tracking and providing financial support to them in order to nurture their talent.

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