• Now being a loving mom is condemned

    THE GOVERNMENT plans to increase taxation, having introduced nearly 60 stealth taxes. It has already brought in higher stamp duty. Now, it wants to take a vast proportion of any profit we make if we sell our houses.

    It pledged to make our streets safer, our hospitals better and our schools more effective. In fact, head teachers are sacking staff to save money, a third of all schoolchildren are illiterate, the elderly are forced to have their operations in foreign hospitals, and defending our homes has become a punishable offence.

    This deceitful, duplicitous government has proved incapable of running the country yet has the temerity to believe it can run our lives, and increasingly treats the electorate as recalcitrant children.

    Earlier this month, a new policy paper masterminded by the appalling, humourless Patricia Hewitt told mothers of young children that they ought to go out to work.

    She believes that stayat-home mothers are a drain on the country by failing to pay the state back for the cost of their education through taxation.

    We are drained by illegal immigrants, the workshy and those who make a career out of suing employers for alleged racism, but the real culprits in Ms Hewitt's eyes are dedicated, loving mothers.

    Her tone was hectoring, bullying and threatening. This is no surprise as the three most powerful women in government - Patricia Hewitt, Tessa Jowell and Margaret Hodge - think their mission in life is to control the rest of us.

    Absurdly, Margaret Hodge has been made Minister for Children.

    When she was leader of Islington council, her solution to the problem of dreadful local schools was to have her own offspring educated out of the borough.

    FUNDAMENTALLY, this tedious trio despise mothers who bring up their own children rather than hiring a nanny or using a creche.

    Fulfilment for them means power and control. They patronise the working classes, play Lady Bountiful to the unemployed and treat with contempt anybody who doesn't share their views.

    If they were honest, they would look around their colleagues and acknowledge that MPs do not make good life models. Ambitious politicians who rarely see their families are ill-equipped to give motherhood lessons to the rest of us.

    Clare Short's solution to childcare was to have her month-old son adopted.

    Some Labour MPs even want to interfere with the rights of parents to smack their children.

    I'm utterly opposed to thrashing but making a gentle protective smack a criminal offence is diabolical state interference.

    If your child tries to play hopscotch on the edge of a station platform and you give him or her a restraining slap you may in future be hauled off to court.

    Meanwhile, teenage mothers are to be given Pounds 5,000 in nursery care to encourage them to go back to school.

    Unfortunately, anybody with any sense can see that it's more likely to encourage the stupid to get pregnant.

    Failure and disaster have not taught the Government humility. It persists in its belief that it knows better than any of us.

    Its dream country seems to be one which is crippled by taxation and overrun by undisciplined children who spend their barren lives in day nurseries, enabling their mothers to do boring jobs in order to pay more taxes which can be used to encourage promiscuous teenagers.

    It's a bleakly unpleasant world, which is anti-marriage, anti-house ownership, anti the law abiding and anti-selective education, except for the children of members of the Cabinet.

    The thought police are on the march and it's time they were stopped.

    * LAST week, Catherine Zeta-Jones went to the premiere of her new film Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas.

    'She looked stunning,' said a besotted fan.

    'I don't know how she managed it only two months after giving birth.' The answer is two nannies, a secretary, cook, houskeeper, a personal trainer, hairdresser, makeup artist, a chauffeur and a hell of a lot of money.

    * PRINCESS ANNE was escorted to Ascot by her old flame Andrew Parker Bowles.When she's with him her whole demeanour changes. Her hatchet face softens, her stentorian voice lowers, and her matriarchal bossiness dissolves. She has a ruthless record of pursuing whatever and whoever she wants until she gets him... so Mrs Parker Bowles the second may have cause to be anxious.

    NB. Since Mr Parker Bowles is 63 with replacement knees, he's possibly feeling rather traumatised himself.

    Minnows who have big egos

    LAURENCE OLIVIER'S widow, Joan Plowright, says she taught her two actress daughters how to avoid answering questions from journalists about their father. She could always have told them that they are not forced to give interviews.

    However, if actors wish to publicise their work, they need to accept that journalists are there to get an interesting story. They are not employed to act as free publicity agents.

    Unfortunately, there are too many minor performers with inflated ideas of their own talent and importance.

    Gillian Taylforth, for one, thinks that an interview is for the sole purpose of eulogising her and giving details of her next show. She purports to be the unspoilt naive Cockney lovable charmer.

    In reality, she's calculating, self-centred, sharp tempered and a control freak. I feel quite sorry for Geoff Knights.


    FORTY-four-year-old Emma Thompson has a three-year-old daughter, Gaia.

    Sadly, despite IVF treatment she's unable to have another child.

    Her much younger partner, Greg Wise, revealed that when the latest round of IVF treatment failed, he was so upset he sought psychiatric help.

    'I'm completely in love with the idea of fatherhood,' he says.

    'But IVF depends on the age of the woman and your eggs get old.'

    Self-pitying Greg must have made Emma feel ancient and useless at a time when she craved reassurance and a hug.


    FOUR-year-old Charlie Whitaker suffers from Diamond Blackfan anaemia.

    Hopefully, there's a chance that blood cells taken from his new-born brother Jamie's umbilical cord might save him. Shamingly, his parents had to travel 4,000 miles to Chicago for the treatment.

    Women are allowed to abort their babies in Britain, but are refused permission to select a genetically matching embryo to save a child.

    When Jamie is told what happened, he'll surely feel blessed and special, not used or unwanted.

    I would ask the critics of his loving responsible parents only one question.

    If your son were dying, would you refuse a similar chance to save him?

    Get a life, father Ted

    DAVID BECKHAM'S father, Ted, says he lives for David's career. Now that the footballer is leaving Manchester United for Real Madrid, he doesn't know what he'll do. I suggest that at 53, he starts living his own life.

    'I still have to work,' he adds, 'and I can't afford to fly over to Madrid each week. I haven't told David how I feel. He's had enough pressure on him.'

    Instead, Mr Beckham senior told The News Of The World, in what sounds suspiciously like a plea to his billionaire son for free flights to Spain.

    * WHEN Aaron Barschak appeared at a comedy club in Soho, he was so unfunny he was asked to leave the stage.

    He did his tedious act at Windsor Castle and the anxious-to-please guests roared with laughter.

    When the grubby, tedious Barschak walked off stage, William said 'I'm glad my father doesn't look like that', and they laughed even more.

    Sycophants always laugh like drains when royals say anything that is supposed to be funny.

    It's why the Windsors all mistakenly believe that they're witty and entertaining.

    * LAST week, 102-year-old Winifred Humphrey was forced out of Bradley House care home in Whitstable, Kent.

    She sold her bungalow to pay for her move to the home, but last year her money ran out.

    Since then, she's been funded by the state.

    However, the care home prefers fee-paying private residents.

    Kent Social Services pledged to make up the shortfall but Lifestyle Care Homes Ltd who own Bradley House wouldn't back down. If they can't show compassion or flexibility to a 102-year-old, long-term resident, they're scarcely fit for a job that involves dispensing care and kindness to the elderly and frail.

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